Video Institucional

abril 22, 2021



APRIL 22nd

Hello!!! How are you?

·      Today you are going to work in the PUPIL’S BOOK, pages 10 and 11, exercise 3. Read the story and say if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false sentences.

Hoy van a trabajar en el PUPIL’S BOOK, páginas 10 y 11, ejercicio 3. Van a releer la historia y van a decidir si las oraciones son VERDADERAS o FALSAS. Corregir las oraciones falsas.

·      Choose the correct option:  Elegir la opción correcta:

1)     Minos lives in Athens / Crete.

2)     Minos is a good / cruel King.

3)     Minos lives in a palace / castle.

4)     The labyrinth is in the palace / castle.

5)     Minotaur eats humans / animals.

6)     Theseus has got blonde / brown hair.


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Bye bye!!

Miss Sonia

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